Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How do you learn best?

Not being a native speaker of English, at times, presents a challenge. While listening to the lecture and taking notes I stumble upon unfamiliar words. Sometimes, I get lost in new vocabulary and miss out on some presented information. I loose the momentum having have to stop to recognize a particular word. As I started my first semester at Ursuline College, I have tried a new approach to learning by recording presentations. Being able to hear the lecture for the second time gives me the chance to catch and translate misunderstood words and also helps me to better process the new knowledge. I have found that by employing an additional sense I am able to memorize the given material more efficiently. Ideally, for academic courses I would like to be able to attain the recorded versions of the material. In addition, recordings would also help me to learn the proper pronunciation of the new vocabulary.


  1. Thank you for sharing your unique personal experience. Your solution should be an example to everyone whether they speak English as a first or second language. You took ownership in finding a solution, you've shared it with others so that they may be able to utilize it, and you've shown how important it is for students to take pride in their education.

  2. Just curious...what is your native language? I guess I always take the fact that I'm a native speaker for granted. Yet I always hear other beautiful languages and wish I was bilingual. Maybe some day I will be. Recording the lecture is a great idea! Even for people who've spoken the language their whole lives. I don't know how many times I got lost in thought due to something the prof. said. And then the next thing I know, the class in on to something entirely different and I'm like "Ahhh!! What?"

  3. Hi Ania, thank you for sharing your learing process with me I must admit that learning is hard for a lot of us. I tell my daughter on a regular basis that we are the type of learners that may not get it the first time. To know that you were determined enough to go the extra mile and began to record and memorize your acadimic lessions. I know this can help a lot of us to learn better. i do this in my othe class. I think that I will put it into pratice a little bit more often.
