Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crooked River Burning, blog post #8

Crooked River Burning does not move me as the Color Me Butterfly did. Although, I enjoy my emotions being stirred during my readings and this book does not deliver it, I do appreciate the history lesson. I have lived here for nineteen years, and I can not say I know much about Cleveland; therefore, a quick look into its history meets my interest. Parts I enjoy more are the dialogues between Anne and her father.

It was also interesting to find out that there was a Polish community on the West side in Old Brooklyn. The only one I knew about was Slavic Village on the East side called Warsaw. This was the first place I called home after arriving in Cleveland.


  1. I did like some of the history in the book "Crooked River Burning" like the writer talked aboout the old League Park where he used to go and watch the baseball games. I see this place every sunday when I go to church.This is not a book that I liked reading, it was hard for me to get past certain thing that I deemed inappropriate for education.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This book was indeed a difficult read. But I am happy that you were able to learn some interesting facts about Cleveland. I am also happy that you were able to find information in the reading about other cultures relating to your background. Reading this book proved to me that It is possible for me to step outside of my own comfort zone and try something new.
