Tuesday, December 15, 2009

blog post#12 -reflection on the process of writing the blog

I was not staying on a timely schedule in fulfilling the blog assignments. At the beginning, it was very hard to even come up with ideas for the topics. I realize that writing is one of my weakest sides and I need to improve upon it, in order to succeed in other classes and my future professional life. However, when I did employ the process of writing, I was able to reflect deeper on my thoughts and gain a better understanding of the given subject. I would like to reach the point when I will be able to enjoy it and become passionate about it.

As far as influencing my life, I have noticed that probably thanks to writing my speech has improved.

My favorite post was the one in which I was writing about the importance of ESL classes. Obviously for me, it presented a very essence of my struggle with writing in English.

blog post #11 - Transition

This is my first semester at Ursuline. After transferring from Cuyahoga Community College, I have to admit, the transition has been very hard. The amount of work has been overwhelming. I feel that I just started to learn how to study. While at Tri-C, I used to complain about the lack of time and I was only taking one or two classes per semester. For the next semester, I plan to better organize my time to fit my study within daily routines.

Classes I am taking now, especially US 313, has had a tremendous effect on me. I was forced to reflect on very important matters, that for a long time I unconsciously chose to suppress. This process, although painful (I whinged in my car driving back home), helps me to grow and opens up the new realm of possibilities. During only one semester here, I have gained a great deal academically and on a personal level. I am sure, I have made a right decision choosing Ursuline.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Essay Two

Thesis for Essay Two: Being raised in one country and culture and then ending up in another has had a tremendous impact on forming my identity. I believe, this aspect makes the most fundamental contribution to shaping my essence. My believe system is rooted in my Polish heritage, my religious upbringing, and also, in my personal experiences and relationships in two different countries. In my essay I am going to talk about my dilemma of living in between two cultures, and the influence of age, social expectations and ethnicity on my identity.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Crooked River Burning, blog post #8

Crooked River Burning does not move me as the Color Me Butterfly did. Although, I enjoy my emotions being stirred during my readings and this book does not deliver it, I do appreciate the history lesson. I have lived here for nineteen years, and I can not say I know much about Cleveland; therefore, a quick look into its history meets my interest. Parts I enjoy more are the dialogues between Anne and her father.

It was also interesting to find out that there was a Polish community on the West side in Old Brooklyn. The only one I knew about was Slavic Village on the East side called Warsaw. This was the first place I called home after arriving in Cleveland.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Speech Two blog post #9

The topic of my Speech Two is a painting Blue Boy. It was done by an English painter Thomas Gainsborough in 1770. To get a quick information and a visual, I have to admit, I did pick in Wikipedia. I have found artist’s biography in The Dictionary of Art. According to other online sources, outside of Wikipedia, Blue Boy belonged to Gainsborough’s most famous paintings. To my surprise, it was not even mentioned in The Dictionary of Art. My research in the library was not very successful, since the articles were not readily available. I have ordered Gainsborough in Bath (he painted Blue Boy while living there) through Ohio Link Library Catalog from Ohio State. In order to fulfil the assignment I will have to use the information found in The Dictionary of Art and on line.

Works Cited

Gainsborough, Thomas. Blue Boy. 1770.

Gainsborough, Thomas. Blue Boy. 1770.

Turner, Jane, ed. “Ferrara to Gainsborough”. The Dictionary of Art. Vol. 11. London: Macmillan

Publishers Limited, 1996. New York: Grove’s Dictonaries Inc., 1996. 906-13.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thesis for essay one

Thesis: ESL classes are important, but could be more important if they provided education for ESL students that would go beyond learning basic language skills, and furnished the opportunity of learning culture as well as help with assimilating with a new society.

I chose English as a Second Language as my subject because it makes a very important part of my own educational experience. I wished that ESL classes prepared me to better communicate academically as well as socially. It is an issue for many emigrants. Many non-native speakers never go beyond the basic use of a second language and without help, close themselves in their own ethnic communities.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Color Me Butterfly

It is fascinating being able to read somebody’s life tale. I am grateful to Lydia for letting me into her world, for sharing her family’s story.

By recalling the painful events of humiliation and suffering, Lydia shows how strong, after all, the battered women in her family had become. Thanks to the mutual support and prayer, they managed to survive and held their worth. Because of her voice, Lydia is able to stir audience’s deepest emotions and induce empathy and reflection.

Her story makes me look at my own situation and teaches me to believe in my own strength. It also gives the perspective on human suffering. By giving it the historical frame, the author shows the position of women in general: their status in society and dependency on men.

In addition, I am especially found of the use of language; with its southern flavour, it gives the story a special quality. Over all, the Color Me Butterfly makes a very inspirational read.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How do you learn best?

Not being a native speaker of English, at times, presents a challenge. While listening to the lecture and taking notes I stumble upon unfamiliar words. Sometimes, I get lost in new vocabulary and miss out on some presented information. I loose the momentum having have to stop to recognize a particular word. As I started my first semester at Ursuline College, I have tried a new approach to learning by recording presentations. Being able to hear the lecture for the second time gives me the chance to catch and translate misunderstood words and also helps me to better process the new knowledge. I have found that by employing an additional sense I am able to memorize the given material more efficiently. Ideally, for academic courses I would like to be able to attain the recorded versions of the material. In addition, recordings would also help me to learn the proper pronunciation of the new vocabulary.